kestnerkids goes international
kestnerkids goes international
kestnerkids machen kunst in english.
Kinder im Alter zwischen 5 und 12 Jahren erkunden gemeinsam die aktuelle Ausstellung auf Englisch. Anschließend werden alle selbst
kreativ. Das Programm richtet sich an englisch-sprachige Kinder, sowie Kinder die Englisch in der Schule lernen.
This program entails art workshops in English oriented towards children, giving them the opportunity to become more involved in
contemporary art. The children visit the exhibition through child oriented guided tours and art workshops. They learn to apply
different art techniques to create their own works of art in addition to working together to create group projects. The workshops will be
run by experienced native speaking staff. The courses are additionally always accompanied by a German speaker.
Sat. 19th of September › 11:00 am–12:30 pm 5–12 years
Sat. 21th of November › 11:00 am–12:30 pm 5–12 years
Sat. 12th of December › 11:00 am–12:30 pm 5–12 years
The charge of the courses ›kestnerkids goes international‹ is 5 Euro per child for non-members, 0 Euro per child for members.
To sign up and for more information please contact kestnerkids@kestnergesellschaft.de,
Fon +49 511 701200